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For instance, climate affects the kinds of clothes we wear and even the colours we choose to wear. Since it affects the kinds of crops we can grow successfully, it influences our eating habits. Architecture is also affected by climate. Engineers and architects must think about climate when they make decisions about the construction, materials, design, and style of buildings. Even our choices in transportation are determined by the climate in which we live. Climate also plays a big part in economic development. A climate that is too hot, too cold, or too dry makes farming, industry, and transportation difficult and slows down economic development.
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Symptoms may last for one day or several days and vary greatly in severity. Chronobiologists, scientists who study the effects of time on living things, say that the seriousness of your reaction depends on several factors. One factor is the number of time zones you crossed. Your jet lag will probably be worse if you crossed several time zones. Another factor is whether you flew east to west or west to east. It is easier to adjust after an east-to-west flight. Personality factors also affect how easily you adapt to the new time. For example, “night” people adapt more easily than “morning” people. Extroverts adjust more easily than introverts. Flexible people who don’t mind changes have fewer problems than inflexible people who are rigid and don’t like change. Younger people suffer less than older people. Finally, healthier people usually get over jet lag more easily than people who are sick.
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For example hardware stores sold half a million shovels last winter. This was up 75 percent from the year before. Customers also bought 50 million pounds of rock salt, which is used to melt ice. Ice scrapers were another “hot” item. Service stations reported that sales of ice scrapers in December, January, and February equaled sales of the past four years combined. Finally, sales of winter clothes were higher than ever. For example, hat sales were up 13 percent, and retailers sold about 95 million pairs of gloves. Stores that usually sell 150,000 pairs of winter boots sold over 350,000 pairs.
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Let’s say you want to memorize the names of all fifty states in the United States. You could organize them alphabetically, beginning with Alabama and ending with Wyoming. Another way to organize them might be geographically by sections of the country. You could try to picture a map of the states in the Northeast, in the South, and so on. A third way might be to remember them in the order in which they were admitted to the Union, beginning with the thirteen original colonies and ending with Alaska and Hawaii.
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In 1610, egg whites were used to build a bridge that still stands in Peru. One house in Massachusetts is made of newspapers. In Japan, it was common for farmers to use the hulls from rice to make a paste that was then molded into building blocks for their houses. Several houses throughout the world have been made from the bottoms of bottles cemented together.
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