June 27, 2007

Answers: Malaysian English
1. My mother said her ankle was hurting her.

2. The lorry driver sounded his horn at me.

3. Siti’s daughter is still at school.

4. I’m trying to be friends with the pretty girl next door.

5. Elsie has gone to the market.

6. My grandfather was admitted to hospital straight away.

7. We want to buy some new furniture.

8. My English lecturer always gives me a lot of homework.

9. Their houses are very dirty and full of litter.

10. I can’t come out this evening. I’ve got some homework to finish by tomorrow.

June 26, 2007


1. How do you get straight A’s?
- I use a ruler.

2. What did one maths book say to another?
- I have a lot of problems.

3. What’s a cow’s favourite subject at school?
- Moo-sic

4. What’s the fruitiest subject?
- History, because it’s full of dates.

5. How do bees get to school?
- On the school buzz.

6. Why shouldn’t you put the letter “M” into the refrigerator?
- Because it turns ice into mice.
Did You Know?

An eighteenth century English aristocrat, the Earl of Sandwich, loved playing cards. He used to play cards all day and night and hated having to stop a game for his meals. One day he thought of a way of putting meat between two slices of bread. In this way he could eat while at the same time continue playing cards. It is because of the Earl of Sandwich that today we call sandwiches “sandwiches”.

GOD knows what’s best for us
So why should we complain
We always want the sunshine
But HE knows there must be rain
We always want the laughter
And the merriment of cheer
But our hearts will lose their tenderness
If we never shed a tear

GOD tests us often
With suffering and with sorrow
HE tests us not to punish us
But to help us meet tomorrow
For growing trees are strengthened
If they withstand the storm
And the sharp cut of the chisel
Gave the marble grace and form

GOD tests us often
And for every pain HE gives to us
Provided we’re patient
Is followed by rich gain
So whenever we feel that everything is going wrong
It is just GOD’s way

June 23, 2007

Idiom of the Day

Down to earth
humble and not proud (personality)

Example sentence:
All of the students like Professor Suraya because she is so
down to earth.

June 21, 2007

Ulangkaji: Teknik Sebutan (Akhir)

i) Sebut setiap perkataan di bawah berpandukan fonetik yang diberikan.
ii)Klik link dan periksa sama ada bacaan anda tepat atau sebaliknya.
iii) Cuba sebut dahulu ye. Jangan klik link. Good luck! ;-)

1. schadenfreude /'∫a:dnfroidә/

2. pedophile (AmE) /'pi:defaIl/

3. etiquette /'etIket/

4. inquisitive /Ιn'kwIzItIv/

5. pterodactyl /terә'dæktәl/

6. sleuth /slu:θ/

7. sword /sо:d/

8. frown /fraun/

9. tow /tou/

10. debt /det/
Today’s Quote
The most painful love there is, is the love left unshown
A love that cannot be expressed, affection left unknown
The love that withholds touching, afraid of what it would say
And the most painful thing about unexpressed love is... it never fades away.
{ Don't click!Just copy the url to your browser. :-) }
Rewrite the following sentences in Standard English. Answers will be posted soon.

1. My mother said her ankle was paining her.

2. The lorry driver horned at me.

3. Siti’s daughter is still schooling.

4. I’m trying to friend the pretty girl next door.

5. Elsie has gone out marketing.

6. My grandfather was warded straight away.

7. We want to buy some new furnitures.

8. My English lecturer always gives me a lot of homeworks.

9. Their houses are very dirty and full of litters.

10. I can’t come out this evening. I’ve got a homework to finish by tomorrow.

June 08, 2007

Idiom of the Day

Turn over a new leaf
to change the way you behave and become a better person

Example sentence:
"I'm turning over a new leaf: I've decided to never lie to my wife."
Answer: Drawing Shapes

Here's the answer that you've been waiting for. You can notice all the shapes portray a pirate's face. I hope you will use more shapes to draw a variety of pictures of your own and instruct your friends how to draw them. Have fun!

June 07, 2007

Apa itu “Diphtongs”?

“Diphtongs” merujuk kepada bunyi yang dihasilkan oleh satu sukukata yang mengandungi dua “vowels.” Contoh: /ai/, /ei/, dan banyak lagi.

Cuba anda klik link di bawah dan kenalpasti semua “diphtongs.” Keliru? Anda boleh mengenalpasti “diphtongs” dengan begitu mudah sekali kerana “diphtongs” mengandungi DUA VOWELS dan bukannya satu.

Sekarang, mari kita sama-sama kira jumlah “diphtongs” di link ini. Jom! Semua pimpin tangan ya! 1 2 3…Klik.


Berapa “diphtongs” yang anda dapat? 5? 10? Jawapannya ialah, sembilan sahaja!

Seperti “vowels” dan konsonan, saya harap anda membiasakan diri dengan bentuk dan bunyi “diphtongs” pula. Mungkin ada yang tertanya-tanya mengapa mereka perlu mengenalpasti kesemua bentuk asing ini.

Anda perlu mengenalpasti setiap bentuk dan bunyi konsonan, “vowels”, dan “diphtongs” kerana anda akan menggunakan kemahiran ataupun pengetahuan ini untuk menyebut perkataan-perkataan Bahasa Inggeris yang baru dan asing dalam kamus kelak.

Bahagian “phonetic guide” (sebutan) mengandungi gabungan konsonan, “vowels” dan “diphtongs.” Oleh itu, anda perlu membuat latih tubi bagi mengingati setiap simbol dan bunyinya.

Cuba lihat “phonetic guide” bagi setiap perkataan di link terutamanya bahagian “diphtongs.” Perkataan “boy” mempunyai sebutan yang terbentuk daripada gabungan konsonan /b/ dan “diphtongs” /oI /.

Contoh kedua ialah perkataan “sky” /skaI/ yang juga terdiri daripada gabungan konsonan (s, k) dan vowels (a, i).

Cuba anda sebut perkataan ini “coyote” /kaI 'ou tI/. Sebut dengan bantuan simbol fonetik yang saya berikan di sini yang anda boleh dapatkan daripada “monolingual dictionary.” Sukukata kedua disebut dengan lebih jelas kerana terdapatnya tanda “primary stress” /'ou/.
Rujuk bunyi "coyote" di sini
Rujuk "phonetic guide" "coyote" di "monolingual dictionary" anda.
Rujuk "diphtongs" di sini.

Bagaimana agaknya jika anda tidak mempunyai “monolingual dictionary” dan tidak tahu bentuk dan bunyi simbol-simbol fonetik ini? Anda mungkin tidak boleh menyebut perkataan-perkataan baru dengan tepat, bukan? Mungkin anda berkata boleh cari di internet. Betul, anda memang bijak! Tetapi bolehkah anda bawa internet ke hulu ke hilir? Tentu boleh dengan laptop. :-)

Namun, saya lebih menggalakkan anda mahirkan diri dan tidak terlalu bergantung kepada
teknologi. Jika ada robot dan seorang guru manusia, yang mana jadi pilihan untuk anda belajar? Samalah juga seperti menghafal teori satu buku tanpa latihan ataupun praktikal. Pada pendapat saya, ilmu perlu difahami sepenuh hati bukan hanya untuk dipelajari.;-)

Selamat belajar!
Underneath Your Clothes

You're a song
Written by the hands of God
Don't get me wrong
This might sound to you a bit odd
But you own the place
Where all my thoughts go hiding
And right under your clothes
Is where I find them

Underneath Your Clothes
There's an endless story
There's the man I chose
There's my territory
And all the things I deserve
For being such a good girl honey

Because of you I forgot the smart ways to lie
Because of you I'm running out of reasons to cry
When the friends are gone
When the party's over
We will still belong to each other

Underneath Your Clothes
There's an endless story
There's the man I chose
There's my territory
And all the things I deserve
For being such a good girl honey

I love you more than all that's on the planet
Movin' talkin' walkin' breathing
You know it's true
Oh baby it's so funny
You almost don't believe it
As every voice is hanging from the silence
Lamps are hanging from the ceiling
Like a lady to her good manners
I'm tied up to this feeling

Underneath Your Clothes
There's an endless story
There's the man I chose
There's my territory
And all the things I deserve
For being such a good girl honey


*Any attempts to use this song for any non-educational purpose is both unethical and illegal. If you like this song, buy the album.