April 26, 2008
April 22, 2008
April 17, 2008
April 11, 2008
The main purpose of this pre-test is to help you identify problems you might have with mechanics of writing.
A. Parts of Speech
Identify the Parts of Speech in every sentence below.
1. I bought a beautiful dress at the mall. ..............................
2. What did she ask you to do?................................
3. I left my shoes under the kitchen table. .............................
4. If we finish our work quickly, we can go to the movies. ..............................
5. On Saturdays I work from nine to five. ......................................
6. I want to go to a university in the United States. .................................
7. I'm sure I have met your girlfriend before. .........................................
8. Well, I don't think I will be here to answer the phone. ................................
9. Andy knocked on the door but nobody answered. .....................................
10. After lunch let's go out for a coffee. .............................................
B. Subject-verb Agreement
Read the following sentences and underline the correct answer.
1. All of the students (have, has) come forward to support the environment campaign.
2. The tailor you and your cousins go to (is, are) reliable.
3. Eating out too often (is, are) unhealthy indeed.
4. The graduates (look, looks) smart in their robes.
5. The trainees (work, works) hard to complete their projects.
6. Cleanliness in our compound (is, are) everyone’s responsibility.
7. A bunch of bananas (is, are) not cheap nowadays.
8. Ida, like Elsie, (love, loves) Hindi movies.
9. Besides the coach, the team manager, (was, were) also invited to the opening ceremony.
10. Anybody who (is, are) qualified can apply to study at the college.
C. Agreement of Pronouns and Nouns
Fill in the correct noun or pronoun in the space provided.
1. A sentence is a group of words that contains:
i) a subject
ii) a verb
iii) and expresses a complete thought and makes sense.
2. The basic sentence structure is SVO. The subject(S) comes before the verb(V) and followed by an object(O) or a complement(C).
i) A man walked his dog.
ii) Malaysia is a peaceful country.
iii) I have three red cars.
iv) She and her son ate dinner at Siti’s house.
v) Either Ali or his sisters will go to Ahmad’s wedding ceremony.
3. Sentences can be
i) simple - containing only one subject (S) and one verb (V).
Example: Ahmad(S) went (V) home.
ii) complex - containing two or more subjects and verbs with a subordinating conjunction or a dependent clause.
Example: Although(SConj) Ahmad(S) went(V) home, he will come(V) again tomorrow.
iii) compound - containing two or more subjects and verbs joined by a coordinating conjuction or a semicolon. Two simple sentences (independent clauses) are joined by a coordinating conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so).
b) Ahmad(S) had(V) an interview;(semicolon)however, he was(V) late.
1. The subject is the noun or pronoun (person or thing) doing the action of the verb.
2.i) A noun is often defined as a word which names a person, place or thing. Here are some examples of nouns: boy, river, friend, Mexico, triangle, day, school, truth, university, idea, Siti Nurhaliza, movie, aunt, vacation, eye, dream, flag, teacher, class, grammar. Siti Nurhaliza is a noun because it is the name of a person; Kuala Lumpur is a noun because it is the name of a place; and boy is a noun because it is the name of a thing.
ii) Some grammar books divide nouns into 2 groups - proper nouns and common nouns. Proper nouns are nouns which begin with a capital letter because it is the name of a specific or particular person place or thing.
Some examples of proper nouns are: Kuala Lumpur, Siti Nurhaliza, Atlantic Ocean, February, Monday, Malacca, Ahmad, Petaling Street, Pizza Hut.
If you see a word beginning with a capital letter in in the middle of a sentence, it is probably a proper noun.
Most nouns are common nouns and do not begin with a capital letter.
iii) Many nouns have a special plural form if there is more than one. For example, we say one book but two books. Plurals are usually formed by adding an -s (books) or -es (boxes) but some plurals are formed in different ways (child - children, person - people, mouse - mice,
sheep –sheep).
3. i) A pronoun is often defined as a word which can be used instead of a noun. For example, instead of saying Ahmad is a student, the pronoun he can be used in place of the noun Ahmad and the sentence becomes He is a student. We use pronouns very often, especially so that we do not have to keep on repeating a noun.
ii) A personal pronoun often refers to a person. Like nouns, personal pronouns sometimes have singular and plural forms (I-we, he-they).
iii)Unlike nouns, personal pronouns sometimes have different forms for masculine/male, feminine/female and neuter (he-she-it). Also unlike nouns, personal pronouns have different forms depending on if they act as subjects or objects (he-him, she-her).
A subject is a word which does an action and usually comes before the verb, and an object is a word that receives an action and usually comes after the verb.
For example, in the sentence Yesterday Ida called her mother, Ida is the subject and mother is the object. The pronoun she can be used instead of Ida and the pronoun her can be used instead of mother.
The form of a personal pronoun also changes according to what person is referred to. Person is used here as a grammar word and means:
1st person or the self (I, me, we), =>me is only being an object in a sentence NEVER a subject
2nd person or the person spoken to (you),
3rd person or the person spoken about (he, she, him, her, they, them). =>him, her, them are object pronouns.
Example sentence: Pronoun as the subject in a sentence.
a) I love cycling and mountain climbing.
b) We are leaving for London.
c) You drive me crazy.
d) He called me last night.
e) She broke the window glass.
f) They were garbage collectors.
1. A verb is a word which shows action: eat, read, drive, think
or state of being:
are/were (plural:present/past)
has/had (singular:present/past)
have/had (plural:present/past)
does/did (singular:present/past)
do/did (plural:present/past)
2. A verb shows time (tenses): past, present, or future time.
Example: Ridzuan was here.
3. A word that does not show time is not the main verb of the sentence. Look at the following sentence. Which word is the main verb in the following sentence?
The barking dog jumped on the woman.
4. Try changing the sentence to future tense. Which word would you change? The word that changes to future tense is the main verb of the sentence.
It isn't a sentence because bark is not the verb of the sentence. The word barking in the original sentence is functioning as an adjective and is modifying the noun dog. The verb in the original sentence is jumped. The tense of the verb jumped can be changed.
The barking dog will jump on the woman. [future tense]
1. A sentence contains a subject and a verb. It is a complete thought and makes sense.
2. The basic sentence structure is SVO (Subject,Verb,Object).
3. A subject can be a noun or a pronoun.
4. Nouns are names for any things: boy, food, rattan, John, Singapore, beauty, toilet, university, bus, etc. Nouns can be divided into 2 categories:
bus-------------------- Maraliner
school------------------ SMK Kijal
television------------ Samsung
restaurant-------------- KFC
7. The verb can be divided into 2 classes:
i) Main verb (actions): jump, eat, kick, smile, jog, cycle
ii) State of being (auxiliary verbs):is/was,are/were,has,have/had,
8. A verb shows time (tenses):past, present, future
i) A subject must agree with the verb and this is called Subject-Verb Agreement (SVA).
A singular subject uses a singular verb and so does a plural subject that uses a plural verb.
ii) A singular subject refers to single or one object/item.
iii) Every singular verb has the ending ‘s’.
iv) A plural subject refers to more than one object/item.
v) Every plural verb does not have the ending ‘s’, yet maintains the original form.
vi) Memorize the formula below and study the examples to understand better.
Sing= V+s
1. He enjoys the Math class.
2. The pencil costs 60 sen each.
3. A cat eats fish.
4. A computer helps us in many ways.
5. My mother picks up the phone.
6. Salleh reads the book three times.
Plu= V-s
Example sentence:
7. They enjoy the Math class.
8. The pencils cost 60 sen each.
9. Cats eat fish.
10. Computers help us in many ways.
11. My sisters pick up the phone.
12. We read the book three times.
Please copy the given link and paste it in the browser.
Read through the following sentences. Then, correct them where necessary.

The uses of Telephone
1. We use the telephone to communicate with my parents.
2. We use the telephone when in emergency condition.
3. We use the telephone when we miss someone.
4. We call the taxi to go to shopping at the town.
5. We call the police to inform the robbery.
1. SVO
2. SVA (singular/plural,tenses),Pronoun & Noun Agreement
3. Coherence (Flow of ideas)-Use WH-questions technique.
4. Punctuations
5. Spellings
6. Outline: Topic sentence, supporting points, conclusion, transitional or signal words
How to Generate Ideas for your paragraph?
Topic: My most embarrassing moment
A: Question yourself (WH-questions and coherence)
1. What is your most embarrassing moment? Which one?
Answer: My most embarrassing moment is...................
2. Why did you think it was the most embarrassing?
Answer: It was really embarrassing because.......................
3. When did it happen?
Answer: It happened ....................................
4. Where did it happen?
Answer: It happened in/at .............................
5. How did it happen?
Answer: It happened because I.........
B: Rewrite all your answers and do the checklist as above.
Write a short description about your grandmother.

1. ......................................................................
2. ......................................................................
3. ......................................................................
4. ......................................................................
5. ......................................................................
Write five sentences based on the graphic given below.
Write a short paragraph (five sentences) about the topic below.
You may use the given outline to assist you in generating the ideas.
Suggested Outline (WH Technique):
1. What is my job?
2. Where do I work?
3. Why do I like my job? (3 reasons)
4. What are the examples (supporting details) that prove my 3 reasons?
(Reason 1/Example 1, Reason 2/Example 2, Reason 3/Example 3)
Tip: Use transitional words to show coherence:
First, then, another, finally
5. Conclusion (Restate the topic sentence and reasons)
Example: In conclusion, I love my job (topic sentence) because (state the 3 reasons).
“Why I Love My Job”